Discover what is hidden behind the detergents labels!


This blog is addressed to all of you caring people, wanting to know a bit more about your daily-used detergents.

What are they made of? Are they dangerous for the environment and/or the human health?

This blog will give you updates on our ongoing Learn-Apply-Communicate project, developed in the frame of the master program Environmental Management and Policy of the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics at Lund University, Sweden.
Have a look at the bottom of the page, we have added some interesting information on detergents chemical contents!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Defensive of Detergents

I thought it would be a relatively straightforward process to collect information on the various detergents in Denmark. Afterall, I just needed to choose the appropriate brands, take some photos, and make sure I recorded all of the ingredients and labels. I figured that the most that would happen would be that people might look at me like I'm strange, or even be curious.

However, I faced resistance in the least expected place. I shop at Urtehuset in Kongens Lyngby, Denmark for most of my organic and health needs. They are a tiny shop with food, tea, cleaning, cosmetics, and supplement products. Since I'm a regular customer and am appreciative of the nature of a small business, I approached the counter to explain the project and ask permission to take some pictures. To my great surprise, the service lady said no.

Apparently there had been an incident in which a customer, who turned out to be a journalist, had come in and taken photos of products and the store employees. She later published a story deeply criticizing their products along with the photos she had taken. I tried to explain that this detergent investigation is highly likely to favor Urtehuset's selection, but to no avail -- they would not be allowing any more pictures. Luckily for me (and convenient for many), the big chain market Super Best now carries the Ecover detergent line; and there was no difficulty getting information there.