Discover what is hidden behind the detergents labels!


This blog is addressed to all of you caring people, wanting to know a bit more about your daily-used detergents.

What are they made of? Are they dangerous for the environment and/or the human health?

This blog will give you updates on our ongoing Learn-Apply-Communicate project, developed in the frame of the master program Environmental Management and Policy of the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics at Lund University, Sweden.
Have a look at the bottom of the page, we have added some interesting information on detergents chemical contents!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ingredient Disclosure

I was concerned when compiling the ingredient lists on the various detergent containers when I came to realize that not all information is created equally. Rather, the ecological products are openly providing much more detail about the contents of the detergents than non-ecological labels. I thought that this might prove to be a barrier to effectively comparing the detergents and their safety. However, when researching this issue, I found that Denmark is subject to EU regulations on labeling, and that I will be able to obtain the necessary information. This excerpt is taken from the Danish Ministry of the Environment:

"Disclosure / Declaration:

The packaging of detergents that are marketed to consumers must contain the following information in legible, visible and indelible characters:
• Product name and trade name.
• Name or trade name or trademark and full address and telephone number of the person responsible for marketing.
• Address and phone number and any email address from which doctors can find relevant information about product ingredients.

The packaging shall also bear the dosage as prescribed and with the address of a site where there is free access to list all product ingredients."


It's a relief to find that transparency is a priority, and it is especially comforting to find that all surfactants must be biodegradable! This doesn't necessarily mean that they do not have other environmental or health impacts, but it does mitigate some :) So forthcoming will be investigations into the complete ingredients of the detergents.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog!!
    I have always been curious about the range that ingredients in detergents are given in, eg 15-25%. Do you have any clues??
    :) Håkan
